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Boomi helps Cancer Council NSW find new fundraising opportunities with the power of constituent centricity

Boomi helps Cancer Council NSW find new fundraising opportunities with the power of constituent centricity

Boomi, a Dell Technologies business, and leading provider of cloud-based integration platform as a service (iPaaS), has announced that Cancer Council NSW (Cancer Council) has leveraged the Boomi integration platform to connect core operational systems, delivering the real-time data visibility the not-for-profit (NFP) needed to establish a single view of its constituents. The project also helped automate a multitude of previously manual processes, with the productivity returns allowing Cancer Council to reinvest supporter dollars where they are needed most amid its pandemic response.

Cancer Council provides services that improve the quality of life of those affected, combined with research that aims to lessen the risk of cancer and increase survival. As part of its strategy to become a fully-digital, cloud-first organisation, the NFP dedicated recent technology investments to ensuring the efficiency and timelines of information, creating 360-degree visibility of its digital assets, and paving the way to enhanced employee and supporter experiences.

Fundamental to achieving its ambitions was the need for digital cohesion and scalability, leading to the decision to integrate its formerly-disparate IT environment using Boomi’s integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS), allowing business units to work more strategically and less administratively.

Cancer Council used Boomi’s cloud-based iPaaS to link Dynamics CRM with peer-to-peer donation platform Funraisin, fundraising tool Evergiving, project management platform JIRA, and billing software Zuora. With these applications now connected, Cancer Council NSW can trust data is consistent, accurate, and always up to date.

This proved a major step up, with Cancer Council’s Supporter Experience Unit no longer relying on legacy, point-to-point integrations and batch imports for all data exchanges. With a new, dedicated integration platform in place, siloed data was one of the key issues Cancer Council NSW needed to overcome.

Since successfully completing the integration, Cancer Council has eliminated duplicate data and automated user experience. Employees are now spending less time on routine tasks, achieving new levels of efficiency.

Funding for new digital heights

Waterford also said that the company’s digital strategy played an important part in maintaining operations once the Covid-19 pandemic reached Australian shores. Once face-to-face interactions became limited almost overnight, along with broader challenges like an increasingly-cashless society, Cancer Council was at risk of losing one of its main revenue sources. In fact, around 60 per cent of charity fundraisers have gone virtual in the last year, with 47 per cent choosing to invest in digital donation outlets.

Cancer Council’s integration transformation went live one month after the local COVID19 outbreak, with parts of the implementation completed remotely once employees needed to work from home. This equipped the charity with real-time intelligence to respond rapidly to changing conditions, all while adjusting to new workplace policies.

Shifted off the streets and fitted into a new online model, Cancer Council took Daffodil Day to new digital heights, raising up to $500,000 thanks to donors embracing the online experience.

In other Boomi projects, Cancer Council is currently evaluating Boomi Master Data Hub (MDH) with the aim to enable management of data and analytics to foster a single source of truth for future business intelligence projects.

Nicholas Lambrou, Managing Director Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ) at Boomi, said not-for-profit organisations have been exposed to a unique set challenges in the wake of COVID-19, with as many as 72 per cent of Australian charities reporting an overall decline due to the impact on community fundraising and events.


About The Author

Raymund Ravanera is an accomplished and experienced graphic designer with almost 20 years of creative expertise working in the graphic design industry. He loves the latest gadgets, food and movies. Currently, he owns and manages megabites.com.ph, an online technology and lifestyle blog since 2015.

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