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10 Ways to Stay Active During the Rainy Season

10 Ways to Stay Active During the Rainy Season

The rainy season in the Philippines brings with it a multitude of challenges, including limited opportunities for outdoor activities. Exercising outdoors then becomes difficult due to heavy rainfall, slippery surfaces, and safety concerns. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to give up on staying active. There are plenty of physical activities that you can do while staying safe from the elements. What’s more, indoor exercise can be just as beneficial and effective for your body, and it can also be just as fun. 

Transitioning to Indoor Exercises for the Rainy Days

Transitioning to indoor exercises doesn’t have to be a painful process. First, you need to embrace the change and view indoor workouts as an opportunity to explore new activities and routines. Try to see the rainy season as a chance to check out different exercise modalities. Second, create a dedicated workout space within your home. This will help establish a positive exercise environment and encourage you to be active. Then, look into practical ways to stay active indoors during the rainy season, such as: 

Explore Local Gyms or Fitness Studios

Research and visit gyms or fitness studios in your area. In particular, look for facilities that have a diverse range of indoor exercise options. This is an advantage when you want to add variation to your activities. For example, you may want to join Brazilian jiu jitsu Philippines classes, but you also want to have the option of using cardio machines and weightlifting equipment. Establishments that provide a wide array of fitness equipment and classes can cater to different interests and fitness levels.

Use Local Indoor Swimming Pools or Sports Courts

If swimming or playing sports is your preferred way of staying active, look for sports centers that have indoor swimming pools or sports courts. Swimming provides a low-impact, full-body workout, while indoor sports like basketball, tennis, or badminton allow you to engage in competitive, fun, and social activities regardless of the weather outside.

Invest in Home Workout Equipment

If you have the space and budget, consider investing in some basic home workout equipment. You can start with dumbbells, resistance bands, or an exercise mat. These can go a long way in adding variety to your indoor activities and allow you to engage in strength training and resistance exercises from the comfort of your own home.

Follow Online Workout Videos

The internet is a treasure trove of workout resources. Find reputable fitness websites or YouTube channels that offer a wide range of workout videos. From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to yoga or dance workouts, there’s a workout video for everyone for every age online. Besides, it’s often fun to follow along with experienced instructors who will guide you through the exercises and keep you motivated.

Try Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises require no equipment and can be done anywhere in your home. Push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and burpees are just a few examples of bodyweight exercises that can effectively target various muscle groups. You can easily create your own bodyweight workout routine or follow structured programs available online.

Clean and Organize Your Home

Cleaning and organizing your home can be surprisingly physically demanding. On rainy days, tackle those areas that need attention, move furniture around, and scrub those hard-to-reach places. Not only will you have a clean and organized living space, but you’ll also burn calories and work up a sweat.

Practice Dance or Aerobics

Crank up your favorite music and dance like nobody’s watching. Dancing is a fantastic way to elevate your heart rate and work on your coordination. You can also follow online dance or aerobics tutorials to learn new moves and get a great workout at the same time.

Play Indoor Games and Activities

Engage in indoor games or activities that get you moving. Table tennis, darts, or interactive video games that require physical movement can be a fun way to stay active while indoors. Challenge your friends or family members to join in and make it a friendly competition for a rainy day.

Find Specialized Indoor Sports Facilities

Look for sports centers or indoor facilities that offer activities such as indoor rock climbing, trampolining, or indoor soccer. These venues provide exciting and challenging workouts that cater to different fitness levels. Engaging in these activities not only keeps you active but also adds an element of thrill and adventure to your fitness routine.

Practice Yoga or Meditation

Physical activity doesn’t always have to be high-intensity. Mind-body practices can help you stay active while promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Yoga, for instance, combines physical movement, strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Set up a quiet space in your home and follow along with online yoga classes or use yoga apps that offer a wide range of guided sessions. Meditation is also a valuable practice that promotes mental clarity, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

Take Advantage of Dry Intervals

While indoor workouts are a great way to stay active during the rainy season, it’s also worth keeping an eye out for dry intervals in the weather. Monitor weather forecasts and seize the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities during these periods. Plan hikes, walks, or outdoor sports when the rain temporarily subsides. Just make sure to prioritize safety and be cautious of any lingering wet or slippery conditions.

When the rain pours, it’s essential to adapt and find ways to stay active indoors. The rainy season in the Philippines may limit outdoor activities, but it doesn’t have to hinder your fitness journey. Embrace the advantages of indoor exercise, create a dedicated workout space, and explore various indoor workout options. By staying committed and consistent, you can maintain your physical health and well-being throughout the rainy season. 


About The Author

Raymund Ravanera is an accomplished and experienced graphic designer with almost 20 years of creative expertise working in the graphic design industry. He loves the latest gadgets, food and movies. Currently, he owns and manages megabites.com.ph, an online technology and lifestyle blog since 2015.

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