Globe and TM subscribers may now sharpen their technical skills or learn more online while staying at home without worrying about data connectivity cost.
With the partnership between Globe and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), all Globe and TM subscribers are given free data access to the TESDA Online Program (TOP) at https://www.e-tesda.gov.ph/. They can visit the site anytime they want using their Globe or TM – powered mobile device even without load and without incurring any data charges.
TOP is an open educational resource that aims to make technical vocational education and training (TVET) more accessible to Filipino citizens and widen their chances of employment or sources of livelihood. It offers free online courses such as Computer Systems Servicing National Certificate (NC) II, Food Processing NC II, Bread and Pastry NC II, Housekeeping NC II and other courses from sectors such as automotive, agriculture, entrepreneurship, healthcare, among others.
TESDA Secretary Isidro Lapeña expressed his gratitude to Globe for helping TESDA reach more Filipinos in need of the agency’s services.
Earlier, Globe also provided free data access to the Department of Education’s (DepEd) online learning platform called DepEd Commons, to encourage educators and learners to take advantage of supplementary online instructional materials. It contains online review materials and Open Educational Resources authored by public school teachers who are subject matter experts. Teachers can retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute the content by blending it with a learning management system to deliver a distance learning modality.
Globe is a strong advocate of quality education which is one of the 10 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that the company has committed to support. In line with the new normal, Globe is pushing for digital learning by providing connectivity to learners and teachers.
To learn more about Globe’s sustainability efforts, visit https://www.globe.com.ph/about-us/sustainability.html