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Alsons Dev earns top honors at the BPI Partners Appreciation Night

Alsons Dev earns top honors at the BPI Partners Appreciation Night

Alsons Development and Investment Corporation (Alsons Dev) solidifies its standing as an award-winning real estate developer in Davao City by garnering accolades in title delivery and production during the recent Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Partners Appreciation Night. The event, which took place on March 14th at Plaza Moriones, Fort Santiago, recognizes BPI’s top performing business partners in various categories.

While Alsons Dev has been commended at the BPI Partners Appreciation Night for the past five years, this year holds particular significance as it clinched the top honors, being the Top 1 Local Developer in Title Delivery Performance. This award underscores the company’s timely turnover of property titles to homeowners. Additionally, Alsons Dev was adjudged the Top 5 Local Developer in Production based on the number of BPI housing loans booked by the company’s clients. The developer’s capacity for both speed and volume are a testament of its efficiency and dedication to top-notch customer service. It also underscores that Alsons Dev properties are a trusted choice for numerous homebuyers.


About The Author

Jallison Baldueza is our resident content assistant author and junior graphic artist in charge of content and article posting. For press release, articles and contributions please e-mail us at [email protected].

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